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Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 23, 2020
Being Superhuman
Today’s message is to choose peace. When faced with fear, the best and easiest option is to choose peace. In every moment, choose peace....
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 23, 2020
Uniquely You
For those who are worried about your job, work, or livelihood, consider this. This is a perfect time to reflect on who you are, who you...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 20, 2020
Notice the Beauty
There is so much beauty in your world. Stop and notice it. So often you walk by, busily caught up in the activities of your day and...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 20, 2020
Choose peace
Today is a day of many emotions for each of you. Some are experiencing a sense of peace they have not experienced in awhile. Others are...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 20, 2020
Personal and Planetary Transformation
There is much change and transformation happening now on your planet earth. The earth has been experiencing much disruption, as observed...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 20, 2020
Rejoice in the Rebirth
We come to you in peace and love. Our message to you today is one of hope. Although the world around you seems to be in tremendous...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Aug 20, 2020
Overcoming the Fear of Lack
In this time of great anticipation and challenge for you, we would like to share some thoughts about the significance of this momentous...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Turning off the spigot to abundance...
As you know, tuning into this energy on a regular basis is extremely helpful in staying energetically clear, so that you can be a flowing...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
The "money" issue for light workers on the planet.....
You asked in your thoughts earlier today about money. Yes, you have been challenged in this lifetime with the concept of money. It has...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Happy Father's Day, 6/17/18
Susan: Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Dad: Ah, yes, welcome back, my dear! We are so pleased to be with you today. …particularly on this day...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
The "seasons" of the planet's evolution....
Oh, what a glorious day you are experiencing today. You are one with nature as you plant beautiful flowers in the pots on your deck...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Living a spiritual life in a complex world....
We took on a big topic yesterday, “peace”. Today let’s focus on a more mundane challenge that humans face every day. Let’s talk about the...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Be the peace...
Let’s talk about “peace”. This is such an important word in your world. People throw the term around and have an infinite number of...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Cultivating a new life...
I am here for you, my daughter. You are experiencing a major adjustment in your physical energy field. The contrast between the high...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
My first "near miss" experience...
Today let’s talk about the process of my first “near death” experiences. It is true that I was not very receptive to the exploration of...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
This is such an incredible topic to choose. Surrender is one aspect of the physical realm that is often difficult for many of you who...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
To share or not to share this gift....
Hello, my lovely daughter! It is such a pleasure to connect with you again. I know that you have not been feeling well of late, so have...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Why am I experiencing health issues now?
Question: Why am I having such challenges with my physical health lately? Dad: There is no coincidence that you have been experiencing...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Is this for real???
Question: Am I truly capable of being a medium and communicating with other people who have crossed over (besides my dad) or of being a...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Overcoming fear....
You were just researching dementia and Alzheimer’s disease for a client project. Immediately, it instills fear within your physical body....
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