For those who are worried about your job, work, or livelihood, consider this. This is a perfect time to reflect on who you are, who you REALLY are. Not the person that you pretend to be when you go to your job or work each day. But the REAL you, the authentic you that is hidden within you. The aspect of yourself that is tied to your unique expression of yourself.
You may have buried this uniqueness deep inside or you may use this uniqueness in your hobbies and free time. But it is now the time to integrate all aspects of yourself and re-engage with the world, as this crisis subsides, with a renewed sense of who you really are, your authentic self, and allow that self to shine in every aspect of your life.
Have no fear. You are here at this time to embrace all of the components that make you uniquely YOU. This is the time. You have been waiting for this moment. It is here now. Simply step into the passion, the things that spark your interests the most, and begin being and living YOU.
Divine Inspiration At Work