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Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
The "money" issue for light workers on the planet.....
You asked in your thoughts earlier today about money. Yes, you have been challenged in this lifetime with the concept of money. It has...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
The "seasons" of the planet's evolution....
Oh, what a glorious day you are experiencing today. You are one with nature as you plant beautiful flowers in the pots on your deck...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Living a spiritual life in a complex world....
We took on a big topic yesterday, “peace”. Today let’s focus on a more mundane challenge that humans face every day. Let’s talk about the...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Be the peace...
Let’s talk about “peace”. This is such an important word in your world. People throw the term around and have an infinite number of...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
This is such an incredible topic to choose. Surrender is one aspect of the physical realm that is often difficult for many of you who...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Creating wealth and abundance....
Question: What advice do you have about generating wealth and abundance? Answer: Well, this is the question of the day, month, year, or...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Rising above your life circumstances...
Today’s topic is rising above your life situations and life circumstances. We would like to share with you our perspective on the...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Spring....creating new possibilities in every moment!
Spring provides a reminder that we are creating in every moment of every day. Our lives are full of possibilities! For today, let’s talk...

Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018...
Easter Sunday….. a remarkable event in the history of this planet. Yes, Jesus demonstrated that the spirit and the soul continue on. That...
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