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Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Turning off the spigot to abundance...
As you know, tuning into this energy on a regular basis is extremely helpful in staying energetically clear, so that you can be a flowing...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Happy Father's Day, 6/17/18
Susan: Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Dad: Ah, yes, welcome back, my dear! We are so pleased to be with you today. …particularly on this day...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Cultivating a new life...
I am here for you, my daughter. You are experiencing a major adjustment in your physical energy field. The contrast between the high...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
To share or not to share this gift....
Hello, my lovely daughter! It is such a pleasure to connect with you again. I know that you have not been feeling well of late, so have...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Why am I experiencing health issues now?
Question: Why am I having such challenges with my physical health lately? Dad: There is no coincidence that you have been experiencing...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Is this for real???
Question: Am I truly capable of being a medium and communicating with other people who have crossed over (besides my dad) or of being a...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Overcoming fear....
You were just researching dementia and Alzheimer’s disease for a client project. Immediately, it instills fear within your physical body....
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Accessing your personal power (part 2)....
The human experience has been riddled with the exploration of “power over”others for eons. From the days of primitive man, there has...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
Accessing personal power (part 1)....
In the lucid dream that you had with me, when I asked if you were ready to follow me, I didn’t mean to suggest that it was your time to...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
The First Message to Susan
There is no surprise that we are working together on this project. We love you so much, dear Susan. Our love for you is immense….far...
Divine Inspiration Messages
Sep 6, 2019
"Do not be afraid..."
Welcome back, my child! Do not be afraid. Just surrender, let go, and trust. I am here to share with you the light, the brilliance of my...
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