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Personal Life Workshops
(Live with Susan McGraw via Zoom)

Let Divine Inspiration be the guide for Your Next Chapter and transform your personal life.

October 2022...


Your Next Chapter:  

Transform Your Personal Life

Live 1-hour Introductory Workshop on Zoom

Monday, October 24, 2022
7:00 to 8:00pm EST


  • Access Divine Inspiration to clarify your life purpose.

  • Design a lifestyle that reflects your uniqueness.

  • Identify the next steps to take to live a more joy-filled life. 

November 2022...


  Master Class:
Transform Your Personal Life

  Live Advanced Workshop Series via Zoom 


Mondays, November 7 & 14, 2022
7:00 to 8:30pm EST 

Tune into Divine Inspiration to create a life
that is aligned with your authentic self and
brings you more peace and joy.

We are living in a time of dramatic change. You may find that this magnitude of change is unsettling and creates the desire to hold on tightly to your current circumstances. However, times of great change, though challenging, also present profound opportunities for your personal growth and expansion. When you can rise above your day-to-day challenges to see the larger perspective, you can more easily align with your soul's intent for your life. Whether you would like to move to a new location, change a relationship, enhance your financial situation, or simply enjoy your life more, this Master Class will provide you with the transformational tools you need.   

In this 2-part Master Class, you will learn techniques to access your own connection to Divine Inspiration.  Through this connection, you will gain insights into your true life purpose and mission, clarify your lifestyle goals, and unlock barriers to living the life you have always wanted. By listening for the clues from Spirit, you will be free to experience a more fulfilling, rewarding, and joy-filled life.        

A Brief Overview of Susan's Background

For these workshops and Master Classes, Susan McGraw combines her ability to access Divine Inspiration, her expertise as an Intuitive Strategist, and more than 25 years of experience as a Career Coach and Business Consultant.

She has had the privilege of coaching more than 7,000 individuals, entry level to key executives, in just about every type of industry. She has built Career Transition Centers in California, Iowa, and Michigan, for youth and adults impacted by workforce reductions and layoffs, and created a Talent Gateway for the University of Michigan - Dearborn to support students in preparing for the changing world of work. In addition, she has helped individuals start and expand entrepreneurial businesses. Over 125,000 people globally have been positively impacting by her work.

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