Career Workshops
(Live with Susan McGraw via Zoom)
Let Divine Inspiration be the guide for Your Next Chapter and make smooth transitions in your career and professional life.
October 2022...

Your Next Chapter:
Transition to Work You Love
Live 1-hour Introductory Workshop on Zoom
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
7:00 to 8:00pm EST
Bring your authentic self to your career.
Identify your gifts and strengths.
Allow Divine Inspiration to create synchronicities, which
open doors to new opportunities.
November 2022...

Master Class:
Transition to Work You Love
Live Advanced Workshop Series via Zoom
Tuesdays, November 8 & 15, 2022
7:00 to 8:30pm EST
Allow Divine Inspiration to guide you in building
a Personal Career Profile to support you in making
a smooth transition to a job or career that you love.
The great upheaval in the workplace that occurred as a result of the pandemic has created enormous opportunities for you to finally create a job or career that you enjoy, with people that value and appreciate you and your unique talents and gifts. Now, flexible work environments and schedules (i.e., remote and hybrid arrangements) allow you to design your work style to support your ideal lifestyle and expand your options outside your geographical area, if desired. Now is the time. If you are not feeling totally fulfilled or satisfied with your current job or career, this Master Class will provide you with the tools and techniques to make a smooth and easy transition to work you love.
In this 2-part Master Class, you will learn how to access Divine Inspiration to co-create your new future. By listening to the insights you gain, you will design a Personal Career Profile, detailing the elements of your ideal environment, and develop a short and long-range transition plan. In partnership with Spirit, you will learn to follow the clues, watch for the miraculous synchronicities, and land a new opportunity that matches your desires.
A Brief Overview of Susan's Background
For these workshops and Master Classes, Susan McGraw combines her ability to access Divine Inspiration, her expertise as an Intuitive Strategist, and more than 25 years of experience as a Career Coach and Business Consultant.
She has had the privilege of coaching more than 7,000 individuals, entry level to key executives, in just about every type of industry. She has built Career Transition Centers in California, Iowa, and Michigan, for youth and adults impacted by workforce reductions and layoffs, and created a Talent Gateway for the University of Michigan - Dearborn to support students in preparing for the changing world of work. In addition, she has helped individuals start and expand entrepreneurial businesses. Over 125,000 people globally have been positively impacting by her work.